Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exciting New Updates

I am so jazzed about all the great things God is doing in my life. I just returned from the Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback church in CA and it was awesome.
I was just informed that I will be on the Focus on the Family Radio program on September 4th and on Gary Chapmans Five Love Languages radio program on September 12th. The air date for the 700 Club television show should be between those weeks but I do not have an exact date yet.
Here are the links for all three venues:

I am so excited to return to our Celebrate Recovery service this Friday night and celebrate what God did during the Summit.
I had the awesome opportunity to speak at Community Christian Church in Naperville IL Tuesday night at their Celebrate the Journey Recovery kickoff service. I was excited to see a great church have a great ministry with great leadership!!
I will be in Lexington KY this week working on some talks for the fall and I will get to see my daughter who is the greatest!!
Your prayers for me are greatly appreciated and needed as we continue to ask God to open doors so thousands of people can find hope and healing in our story.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are really busy. Don't go on overload. Don't want burn out. I worry that someone will see you are tv and steal you away from us. Hope not. Will be looking forward to finding out the time and date of the 700 club. Plus the channel.
